Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Martian Cave Concept Update

Updated both concept pieces. The top one I simply changed the canvas size. The second I re did ass to try and keep in the curvy pillars in. However do you think I should add in the black lines which define each piece?


  1. ah yh I was gonna mention the canvas size before actually, it's good that you've done it in 16:9 now...and unless you were trying to go for a particular style; I like the way the second piece looks without the black lines... I can understand it better, I like the black used in the depths of the cave. I noticed that the overall brightness of both images seem as if they've been put down, I'd probably prefer it if you pulled this back up and then got a black paint brush with a low opacity and added indents into the rocks instead?

  2. so remove the black layer and and use the burn tool to add in dents to the rocks? I added the dark layer ontop because otherwise the images are way too light for the inside of a cave.

  3. oh right I see...but yh that's what I meant...Also, I mean you could keep the darkened layer on top, but maybe highlight parts of the rocks where light would reflect of it....These really are minor changes, if you want to do this later, you could, because at the moment we, as a group are happy with the concepts enough to move forward, so you could do this later I guess.

  4. Ok I'll add those in later when I've done the next piece :).
